Education Management

As Yıldız Polietilen, we aim to achieve our company goals by supporting the continuous learning and development of our employees. Our training management system, which we have created in this direction, aims to help our employees keep their knowledge and skills up-to-date, gain new competencies and achieve their career goals.

Our Education Management Process

Our training management process is designed in accordance with the needs of our employees and the company’s objectives. The process includes the following steps:

  1. Needs Analysis: The development needs of employees and the company are regularly analyzed. These analyses are conducted by taking into account performance evaluation results, employee feedback and company strategies.
  2. Training Program Design: Various training programs are designed in accordance with the identified needs. These programs may include face-to-face trainings, online trainings, seminars, workshops and mentoring programs.
  3. Training Implementation: Designed training programs are implemented by experienced trainers. Trainings are realized through interactive and participatory methods.
  4. Training Evaluation: The effectiveness of the trainings is evaluated in line with the feedback of the participants and the results obtained after the training.
  5. Knowledge Sharing: The information obtained in trainings is shared with all employees and a culture of information sharing is created throughout the company.

Education Areas

In order to contribute to the development of our employees, we organize trainings on the following topics:

  • Technical Trainings: Trainings aimed at developing the technical knowledge and skills necessary for our employees to better fulfill their duties.
  • Soft Skills Trainings: Trainings to develop soft skills such as leadership, communication, teamwork, problem solving.
  • Management Trainings: Trainings for our managers on topics such as management skills, strategic thinking and decision making.
  • Language Trainings: With foreign language trainings, we enable our employees to communicate more effectively in the international arena.
  • Personal Development Trainings: We support the personal development of our employees by organizing trainings on topics such as stress management, time management and motivation.

Access to Education

All our employees can easily access the trainings they deem appropriate in line with their career goals. They can access detailed information about our internal and external training programs through our in-house training portal.